02 03 My Happy Place: BOXWOOD LOVE 04 05 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 31 32 33


Today's task... after walking the dog (and myself) HARD up a steep hill,
 fertilizing the lawn,
and digging up the petunias,
was clipping the boxwood hedges.

Oh boy they line the walkway so beautifully, and for some reason they grow so well right here, protected by the house from excessive frost and freezing temperature in the winter.  I love them.
Love, seriously.
So does the dog.
  He jumps on them, jumps over them, lays in between them on hot days, and digs huge holes right next to them, these babies are survivors actually.

Good thing I love him too, the handsome nuisance. :)

**Linking up HERE
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