02 03 My Happy Place: 30 DAYS OF THRIFTED OUTFITS - DAY 18 04 05 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 31 32 33


Fact about me:  I always stretch out my hair appointments to the last possible minute and can get looking pretty "overdue."  So when hair day comes around, it feels like an extra special treat!  

Today is that day.

But that's not the only treat today because..... IT'S SURVIVOR NIGHT!!!
Which means our little family will enjoy a nice evening curled up in blankets with homemade popcorn, orange juice and Survivor.   
Second favorite night of the week.
(First being date night.)

No good close ups of this outfit, but the high waisted belt on this shirt is a great one especially for occasions such as Thanksgiving, date night, or after months of no working out.  It gives the appearance of a thin waist, and covers a protruding belly very nicely! 
Isn't that sweet?
Bless it's little heart.  Every shirt should do that.

Remember way back when I said that I am not a fashion blogger?
How about this shoe shot?  :)

Black belted top: $4
Jeans:  $8
Shoes:  $5


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