02 03 My Happy Place: A SUNDAY FAREWELL - IN PICTURES 04 05 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 31 32 33


The joke around the house is:
Now that Kash is gone, can you....._______?

Now that Kash is gone, can you make a decent meal for dinner?
Now that Kash is gone, can you take back those pants from Fathers' Day?

Well, the same goes for the blog.
Now that Kash is gone, I can finally post the events that led up to his leaving! ;)

It was a beautiful day and many of the family were able to share in the special day with us.

Kash with some of his cousins.

These two partners in crime could not be any cuter!

Yes, we are holding signs for our two missionaries already out serving in Chicago and Mississippi.

Thinking about them everyday.


Love Liz's cute face in the back!

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