02 03 My Happy Place: Thinking About Switching Up The Front Door... Again.. 04 05 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 31 32 33

Thinking About Switching Up The Front Door... Again..

I've only ever painted my front door one time.  I tried to find an original picture of it and this was the best I could come up with.

A few years ago I decided to paint it black.
I loved it!

Then decided we should also paint the big garage door.  
And when I say "we" I mean the kids.

Just kidding, I helped too...

I was very pleased with the difference it made.  

But now I'm thinking of painting it again.
Here's my inspiration:
(You can view all of these on my Pinterest page)






Even the inside is cute..

And then I found THIS:
From House beautiful talking about the best colors for your front door.

But maybe THIS COLOR would look best with the rest of the house:

Hmm.  I'll be mulling it over the next few weeks.
Who has an opinion?  

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