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Orange Mango Green Smoothie


Smoothies are one of my favorite "go-to's" for breakfast.  They are so easy to make, and they are a great way to incorporate fruits and veggies if you don't want to eat them.  
Does that make sense?
This particular recipe is one of my new favorites!  It is great for summer or winter, when clementines and oranges are everywhere.  I like to buy mangos when they go on sale, cut them up, and freeze them in ziplocks to have on hand for smoothies like this one.  I like a little bit of protein with every meal so I always add it to my smoothies; for me it's not optional.  You will love the fresh, citrus-ey flavor and feel good knowing you are getting a big healthy dose of green veggies that you can't even taste!  That's a bonus!

Orange Mango Green Smoothie
Click here for a printable

3/4 cup water
1 orange (or a few clementines)
1 ripe mango, peeled and cubed
2 cups spinach
2 tsp. diced almonds
1/2 cup ice cubes
1 scoop vanilla protein powder (optional)

Throw all into a blender, select "smoothie" setting and serve. 

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