02 03 My Happy Place: FHE - Discovering Our Talents 04 05 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 31 32 33

FHE - Discovering Our Talents

Tonight for family night, I thought it would be very timely to talk about talents.  

First:  We will talk about the parable of the talents from the Bible, and watch this video.  (3 min)

Second:  We will talk about the importance of why we should develop our talents and how we can share them with others.  I will give an analogy of looking through a magnifying glass when I was a child, and how I could see everything so close up, ants, grasshoppers, flowers, etc.  Could that be similar to the way God sees us?  He can see us so much clearer and knows us better than we know ourselves.  Through faith, prayer, and practice, we can gain and even excel at our own individual talents.

Third:  I will hold up a baby picture of myself, and ask what talents did this little baby have?   Then I will ask, what talents have I developed and do I have now?  I will display a picture of each one of the kids, and include Dad as well.  We will talk about the talents of each person, and how they have blessed our family.

Fourth:   We will end with this inspiring video (2 min) by Elder Uchtdorf titled "Create."  (Love it!)

Finally:  We will end with a simple talent show.

Sound fun?
Happy Monday everyone!


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